Hi guys, before I start this blog post I would just like to say thank you for all the views and support on my blogs. This will be my last blog post of my sixth grade year. Next blog post I will be a seventh grader. Which is this coming August. Have a great summer and enjoy the blog.
Underneath this text is the 2 minutes from the song our team used in the music video.
Song Title: Dangerous Woman
Artist: Arianna Grande
My favorite fast-edit montage sequence is when we switch from all of us lip singing. I think that fast-edit montages are important because it gets so many different angles. It also has the possibility of getting everybody a little bit of screen time or camera time. Fast edit montages make you do a lot of filming, which is tiring and takes much time but its worth it when you are editing and say to yourself I'm glad we took that time to really work on this quick but useful piece of film. It may be a quick one second fly by that only the people who look closely saw this, but to the editor and filmmakers its everything .
This music video showcases my best work because it lets me use a little bit of every resource and every tool that I have ever used this year in my intro year of GT. It involves very precise editing with iMovie, I get to use Photoshop, for something fun finally, which is making the intro video screen, it still involves picture taking with the three behind the scenes pictures, and so much more that I can't mention. The video itself is kind of a wrap up of what I've done through the whole year which is me making a fool of myself, but also getting a very good final project for my last project of the year.