Composite images are important because maybe you want to take a subject that is really wide from an angle that you can't get all of the subject in one shot. Sometimes on shot isn't enough because of how the picture will look from the right, maybe right in front of it and maybe a close up. Basically there's might be more than one angle that will look good of the subject.
Polar is like your on your own little world or the object is on the little world. Spherical is a picture shaped like a sphere with the subject in the middle. The difference is in spherical you can have a little more background and more color than polar. They are very similar and took the same but the final product is different.

The convincing thing about my tiny worlds is the sky. What I mean is the sphere shaped panorama made into a circle also the world. Also, the frame of the picture is what makes it realistic. Mainly its the shape of the entire photo which is a sphere. In space planets are shaped like spheres and the entire photo goes along with that theme. Thats what the photo is supposed to represent and it works.
David Hockney is a professional artist and photographer. He made a type of photo image called photomontages. In GT we have been learning about and making photomontages. David Hockney's photomontages are different than mine because he is a professional at photomontages, but unlike me I started photomontages like two weeks ago. So his is more professional than mine.

An image can send both a positive and negative messages by having a certain feeling. It has to do a lot with the lighting. If a image is dark and not lit up and not hopeful then it is sending a dark and negative message. However, if there is an image where it's dark and there's a little glare or big shine through the dark clouds than it is probably sending a very sweet and positive message. Whatever image or feeling it is hopefully sending a beautiful message.
The message I intend my audience to see is that the world can be nice to you, and if it's not it will come around eventually. I actually have multiple messages, but that is the main message. Some other messages I intend is to never give up,try hard in everything you do, and more that I can't remember at this moment. You'll see some more in my personal manifesto blog post.