Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

DubeyI_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

What I have learned from this project is that not everything is funny. What I mean is that you can't just put a bunch of words together that go together and call it funny. You can say it's a riddle if they go "ohhh" or if they say "that makes sense". I've also learned how to edit or use iMovie.

Padding, or putting clips over monologue, is important because then you have your added clips and audio for your project. Padding your clips is very crucial because then it won't look at your audio saying "I thought there was supposed to be clips and audio with out seeing you say your monologue or audio?" of course you saw I did that for a moment, on accident.

I think my biggest weakness was finding a joke or story of mine that was under 60 seconds. My biggest strength and funnest thing for me to do was finding sound effects to put in. I put in the crying and laughter. I did have one moment where my B-rolls not correctly placed over the audio thats what I could've improved on. 

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