Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 Aspirations

Hi guys, before I start this blog I just want to say I hope you had an amazing 2015 and are ready for 2016. 

Some goals that I want to achieve in 2016 are get straight A's. Try to pay more attention in common core classes. Do more chores around my house. Be more helpful when my parents need help. Stop getting addicted to food that will make me really fat. You might be laughing at some of the goals but they're all true.

Out of all the goals I just mentioned the one that is most important to me is me being helpful when my parents need help. It has been an issue in 2015 but now I'm helping out a lot more and I don't think we have had one argument in 2016 yet. My parents have kind of spoiled me over the years in that way. But I don't like being spoiled at all so I will help them out more.

All of my goals are very hard but still possible. Some things I could do to ensure success of my goals are taking small steps then take larger steps overtime. Like doing more chores, I could start with 2 chores a day then move up to 3, then 4, and so on.

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